
Purple eyes albino
Purple eyes albino

purple eyes albino

Also in the 2003 anime, Edward occasionally jumps between this and gold as well, but in his case it seems to be a recurring animation mistake.All of the homunculi in the 2003 anime version (except for Gluttony) have purple eyes.In Fullmetal Alchemist, while all the homunculi except for Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath and Pride have red eyes, in Brotherhood, Envy and Pride have purple eyes the latter originally has black eyes which turn purple after he eats Gluttony.


The chimera Zelgadis has them, but only in the novel series (in the anime they're greenish blue.).Xelloss from Slayers, when he chooses to open them.Kougaiji also has them, in addition to being a Dark-Skinned Redhead.Appropriately enough, he was a god, specifically the nephew of the Bosatsu of Mercy in his previous life. Genjo Sanzo from Saiyuki has violet eyes which have been described as both like those of a god and a youkai.Specifically, Revis and Oswald have purple eyes. As does Glen Baskerville, the enigmatic leader of the Baskervilles.The Will of the Abyss, who also happens to be the twin sister of the above, has these, as well.Alice from Pandora Hearts has purple eyes and is definitely a female badass.Himeko of Kannazuki no Miko, who is arguably the least badass example on this list.Considering she is the team badass she fits the trope. Ruki from Digimon Tamers has purple eyes along with red hair.Sunako Nakahara, the female lead of The Wallflower, has these as a sign of her.

purple eyes albino

Tama-chan, the quiet, innocent, yet super-skilled kendo girl from Bamboo Blade.Einhalt Stratos from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Vi Vid.

purple eyes albino

  • Kouta Otoyama, the "chosen one of the Universe", in Stellvia of the Universe.
  • Kira Yamato, the only Ultimate Coordinator in existence, in Gundam Seed.
  • There are more purple-eyed people than brown-eyed in Yu-Gi-Oh!.
  • Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh!, Malik Ishtar, Mokuba Kaiba, Yugi's Grandpa, and Mai Kujaku/Valentine.
  • Interestingly not a Variant Visage they really are purple, with the implication Tsuzuki was shunned in his hometown by supersitious people.
  • Shinigami Asato Tsuzuki from Yami no Matsuei.
  • They all also have albino-white hair, and Zero very much fits the badass trope.
  • The twins Zero and Ichiru Kiryu, along with Maria Kurenai from " Vampire Knight".
  • Yin from Darker than Black, who interestingly is also Blind.
  • Rosemarine of Kaze to Ki no Uta has them, although due to the art style of the series they appear rather insect-like.

  • Lelouch, and most of the Britannian imperial family, from Code Geass.

  • Purple eyes albino